Diogenesister.... I just heard my dad (not a JW) was taken to the hospital Friday night.... I did not hear about it until Saturday night.... My JW sister "Well, we thought we would just get him checked out and come home, no problem" Me: "What if I just wanted to visit him? Maybe he would die? What would I want to do?"
Her: "Well... ummmm.... " Me: "Well what is family for? this is just strange to me, wouldn't family call family?" Silence...
I am not DF'd but they know I do not believe, and haven't gone in 5 years, my whole family-husband, two sons & wife & I left same time. PLUS I have been the one (with my DF'd husband and other ex jw sister) cleaning up the hoarders mess with rat poop and squalor for 7 months. They needed me then. The JWs were hard to find then, but they are better than us. They don't need to call us when dad slips, falls, loses consciousness and goes to the hospital.
The thing about this article is I just want to SCREAM "Look what this religion is doing to YOU!!!" I could feel the fire wanting to come out of my eyes when talking to her, but I did good... I held back, I did not hit her with both barrels.... I played the "I don't understand" card.
I knew, and know, that if I play the direct "it's your religion" card, I will lose. Because of this article, and ones like it that say "They are like a soldier leaving the army, they will try to tear down your allegiance, your hope in your leaders, that is what Satan does" and crap like that I cannot even speak freely, I will be the propagandist.
WT can cut anyone down, call any religion evil, "Babylon the Great, the Whore", but don't even try saying their leaders are "misleading you".